Need help to write master_sites in the correct way

Mojca Miklavec mojca at
Wed Mar 30 10:06:05 PDT 2016

On 30 March 2016 at 18:45, Abdulrahman Alshammari wrote:
> Hey,
> The software that I want to build a port for is getting updated 3-5 times
> a year. So, I need to build the portfile in a way that will be easy to
> update. So let me explain my issue.
> The homepage of the software is here:
> For download, this is the list of software versions:
> For each version, there are sub-versions start with rXXXX, Like in the
> latest version I want to build a port for it:
> 1.6 ->> r2872 >> downloads >> we get this page:
> Then, I need to download  the file CIVL-1.6_2872.tgz
> Any suggestion how can I handle this, so when I need to update the port, I
> just update a little bit in the portfile?

You have two options:

(1) either you specify "version 1.6_2872" and then automatically split it
with some tcl tricks (I wrote the most dumb one, I'm sure there is a more
elegant way to do it)

name                civl
version             1.6_2872

set version_major   [lindex [split ${version} _] 0]
set version_minor   [lindex [split ${version} _] 1]

extract.suffix      .tgz
distname            CIVL-${version}


checksums           rmd160  f9c755e26c7d3e2b4a5a29d4008c86551abda33b \

(2) or simply do the following:

name            civl
version         1.6
set rev         2872

extract.suffix  .tgz
distname        CIVL-${version}_${rev}


checksums       rmd160  f9c755e26c7d3e2b4a5a29d4008c86551abda33b \

It dependes whether you want the revision to be part of the reported
version or not. If the revision number is relevant and version 1.6 would be
also released under different revisions (= subversions) after some time,
you should probably use the first approach. If users only really care about
"1.6", then you can increase the "revision" in Portfile by one when the
next "sub-version" gets released.

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