Porting software that wants to build/install its own language bindings

A. Karl Kornel karl at kornel.us
Tue Nov 29 01:31:00 CET 2016


I am looking for advice on how best to handle a port for a program that 
wants to build its own language bindings.

I am writing a port for a program called "hivex", which is a tool and an 
API for manipulating Windows Registry "hive" files.  The API is written 
in C, but it also is able to build support for Perl, Python, OCaml, and 

What makes this confusing is that additional language support is added 
by `configure` switches (like --with-python and --without-ocaml), so I 
don't think separate Portfiles would be the best option here.  I'm also 
not sure if subports would work either.

Has anyone had to deal with this kind of situation before?  Any advice 
would be appreciated!

~ Karl

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