I'm a newbie mantainer and I'm confused about the buildbot

Ken Cunningham ken.cunningham.webuse at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 16:29:07 PDT 2016

> When I updated the install page for Sierra, I left Mavericks on the list, because that's good cut-off point, with Mavericks being the first OS X version to use libc++ by default.
> I concur with keeping more Mac operating system releases "supported" by MacPorts, given Apple's increased frequency of releases (i.e. yearly), vs. every two or three years as in the beforetime.

I for one am very happy that patches are accepted for older systems, unlike homebrew and fink. And based on the hoopla when osxfuse wouldn't build on 10.6, I think I'm not the only one... I certainly don't expect anyone to spend time to work on these fixes, but I'm happy the fixes are accepted (and usually improved :>). My fixes aren't always the elegant solutions, and I'm always very happy to learn the better way.

Just so people realize, though -- with relatively modest changes, and with Jeremy's libc++ update to Snow Leopard, there are almost no ports that I can't install on SL so far. 

glfw on SL is pegged at the last version.
qt5 is ugly - I'm hoping to help out / find a way with a qt5.3 or qt5.4 version - but there aren't many ports that require qt5 yet anyway.
That's about it.

In fact a very large number of ports install all the way back to Tiger without any problem at all. 

So although of course the future has to be and always will be the focus, I hope that supporting backwards is not considered a total waste of time, if it doesn't take much or any effort other than tweaking and committing a patch. 

I take great satisfaction in keeping these older machines out of the landfill and doing useful things, and MacPorts is a big part of that.

Thanks to all!


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