[GSoC] migration

db iamsudo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 12:09:55 UTC 2017

On 21 Jul 2017, at 13:02, Umesh Singla <umeshksingla at gmail.com> wrote:
> Unless we have a snapshot of the previous state, that is, before it got hampered.
> But then again, we reinstall all the ports presently. At this time, it could be hard for me to detect what went wrong while sync or upgrade.

If I understood you correctly it will presently reinstall all ports in a given snapshot.

I'm not saying that these commands should check for what went wrong during upgrade, but to reinstall only those whose upgrade caused another port to stop working as expected. The actual cause is for the user to find. For example, let's say you did upgrade outdated and hstr doesn't work anymore, but you realise that from its rdeps only ncurses was updated. Then you could use restore with the snapshot preceding the upgrade to just rollback the whole tree to that state by reinstalling in this case only ncurses and not hstr, readline, etc.


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