Dealing with Xcode 9 + macOS <= 10.12 and missing functions

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Oct 2 05:55:40 UTC 2017

On Oct 2, 2017, at 00:39, Leonardo Brondani Schenkel wrote:

> On 2017-09-29 13:30, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I don't know if I'm the author of the mail you're thinking of, but I've surely commented on this matter before. It's Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia's work on master I was referring to.
>> I haven't tested that work. But at least with MacPorts 2.4.1 I perceived that not having an SDK matching the running OS version would be a problem for some ports, so I didn't update our OS X 10.11 buildbot worker from Xcode 7 to 8, and similarly I won't update our macOS 10.12 worker from Xcode 8 to 9.
> Yes, that's right. The mail I have seen was about some commits from Jeremy, now you reminded me. Thanks.
> What if MacPorts outputted a warning when there's a SDK mismatch (maybe pointing users to the right version of Xcode to use)? In my case, when Xcode was updated I didn't know it had the 10.13 SDK until ports started failing, and it would have saved me a bit of troubleshooting. Is it a worthwhile idea to implement?

That sounds ok to me, but I gather that Jeremy still thinks that should not be necessary.

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