Help wanted doing some xorg-* updates

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Aug 24 05:52:59 UTC 2018

On Aug 22, 2018, at 20:30, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

> After seeing a security advisory on one of the xorg ports and
> realizing that we hadn't updated a bunch of them in a while and that
> xquartz (the project) seems pretty dead, I started going in and
> updating various things in xorg-* that hadn't been updated in a while.

XQuartz and the MacPorts xorg-* ports are both maintained by Jeremy, who as you know hasn't been very active in MacPorts lately. Previously he's been good about these updates, but it wouldn't surprise me if he has other commitments at work right now, given that the next OS is just around the corner.

> The bulk of them were minor revision number bumps and seemed safe, so
> I've done them already, but the following seemed more involved because
> either there were significant version number bumps:
> xorg-libXres   (our version: 1.0.7, livecheck says it's: 1.2.0)
> ...or because there were patch files involved:
> xorg-libxcb    (our version: 1.12, livecheck says it's: 1.13)
> xorg-xcb-proto (our version: 1.12, livecheck says it's: 1.13)
> ...or both
> xorg-server    (our version: 1.18.4, livecheck says it's: 1.20.1)
> Help with these four is actively solicited. It would be good to make
> sure we're up to date, especially given that X11 updates are often
> security sensitive.
> There's also the curious case of xorg-libXfont2, where our version
> seems to be ahead of the livecheck version, and I'm just plain
> confused about what is going on.

For me, livecheck shows that xorg-libXfont2 is up to date.

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