Mirorring distfiles

Mojca Miklavec mojca at macports.org
Thu Mar 1 22:09:38 UTC 2018

On 22 February 2018 at 21:14, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2018, at 04:57, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> Dear Ryan,
>> What is the current situaton with mirorring distfiles
> Unchanged. I need to create a buildworker on the buildmaster. I then need to deploy the buildbot configuration that does the mirroring, figure out what configuration it needs if any, and see if it works, and if not, how it needs to be fixed.

So does that mean that the code is there and merely needs testing? Or
do you also need to write the code.

> And it all needs to happen when the buildbot is idle.

Is anything in particular preventing you from testing the code on
another (maybe even linux) server? Potentially even your laptop?

>> and some other
>> tasks? (Yes, I wanted to put that on the list as well. The other
>> semi-related issue is integration of xz library of course
> Is this for the old idea of using xz instead of bz2 for compressing our binary archives?


> I assumed we had given up on that.

I did not.

> I mean I'd love to do it because xz files would be smaller, but we either have to make that change and introduce it for the next major macOS version, and keep the old versions on bz2, or we have to develop a strategy for migrating existing systems from bz2 to xz and for recompressing our existing bz2 archives to xz and for eventually phasing out the bz2 archives.

I would start by merely supporting xz compression in the first place.
By adding a library to the sources. Migration strategies can always
happen later on.

>> [and
>> renaming binaries for legacy systems :].)
> You're talking about choosing how to differentiate the libc++ binaries from the libstdc++ binaries?

Yes. I still find it super painful that we did not manage to migrate
to libc++ over all those years due to a basically "trivial" issue.

My suggestion would be to use one hacking session during the meeting
to implement a few lines of code that take care of renaming the
binaries + test whether users could switch to libc++ using migration
tool written by Umesh.


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