how to handle this element in Makefile.config ?

macports at macports at
Mon Mar 26 12:31:00 UTC 2018

I'm working on a port for munin 2.0.x

the munin-node component builds and installs java plugins if the Makefile can find the javac compiler.

on my system I need to have java but I want to ignore this feature.

code is:
# Java compiler stuff - only needed on the buildhost
JC         := javac
JFLAGS     := -g -source 1.5 -target 1.5 -Xlint
JAR        := jar

# Check if the java compiler works
#    Note that we defer JCVALID evaluation to runtime,
#    since $(JC) can be redefined later in a specific Makefile.config
#    The core Makefile.config is then used as a Makefile.default
JCVALID    = $(shell $(JC) -version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "yes")

I've tried:
- build.env JCVALID=no
- build.env JC=false
but both don't work.

I could make a temporary patch for Makefile.config, but is there an easier way?


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