how to handle this element in Makefile.config ?

Rainer Müller raimue at
Mon Mar 26 13:28:57 UTC 2018

On 2018-03-26 14:31, macports at wrote:
> I'm working on a port for munin 2.0.x
> the munin-node component builds and installs java plugins if the Makefile can find the javac compiler.
> on my system I need to have java but I want to ignore this feature.
> code is:
> -----
> # Java compiler stuff - only needed on the buildhost
> JC         := javac
> JFLAGS     := -g -source 1.5 -target 1.5 -Xlint
> JAR        := jar
> # Check if the java compiler works
> #    Note that we defer JCVALID evaluation to runtime,
> #    since $(JC) can be redefined later in a specific Makefile.config
> #    The core Makefile.config is then used as a Makefile.default
> JCVALID    = $(shell $(JC) -version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "yes")
> -----
> I've tried:
> - build.env JCVALID=no
> - build.env JC=false
> but both don't work.

make will not use these variables from the environment, as they are set
explicitly in the Makefile. You can only override the variables on the
make command line.

Try setting the variable in build.args instead:

build.args-append JCVALID=no


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