10.7 buildbot disk space issues

Nils Breunese nils at breun.nl
Thu Aug 15 08:59:50 UTC 2019

> Christopher Jones <jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

>> I've previously used Grand Perspective to examine the disk space usage of the build machines and didn't see anything big, but it turns out Grand Perspective doesn't include items whose names begin with a period, and that's where the problem was: the .Spotlight-V100 directory on the 10.7 builder was 36GiB the first time I looked and 26GiB the second time I looked, and on the 10.8 builder it was 16GiB. I've deleted the Spotlight indexes on all the builders and hopefully when they're done rebuilding they'll be smaller.
> I wouldn’t use applications like that for this sort of thing, for that very reason. Then tend to try and be just a bit too clever for my tastes.
> In the end, I tend to just rely on good old dumb ‘df -h’ … 

I’d recommend using ncdu for this. It’s a brilliant CLI tool to drill down when looking for what is using a lot of space and MacPorts has a port for it. ;o)


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