[macports-ports] branch master updated: nrpe, nsca: remove outdated ports

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Sun Feb 3 01:32:39 UTC 2019

On 2019-2-3 03:35 , Marcus Calhoun-Lopez wrote:
> Do we have a policy to decide when a port should be removed?
> If not, this might be a good example for discussion.

No official policy. My view is that the only clear-cut case is when a
port doesn't build or work at all, anywhere, and there's no real chance
of that ever changing.

For less clear-cut cases there can be arguments made based on things
like availability of better alternatives.

Having no maintainer, or being outdated, or having no dependents, or
currently failing to build are not sufficient reasons.

Certainly though it doesn't help anyone to leave broken ports in the
tree long-term, and if nobody has made any attempt at a fix for a long
time that may be an indicator that it's unlikely that anyone ever will.

Ports that don't work on certain platforms should fail early and
indicate that to the user. Ports that have significant runtime issues
should indicate that in their notes and let the user decide whether to
use them. Choice is good; informed choice is better.

- Josh

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