Octave 5.x on MacPorts

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Mon May 13 05:45:04 UTC 2019

On 2019-5-13 08:40 , Andrew Janke wrote:
> Would you be willing to do something to improve the situation on
> MacPorts? As things stand right now, I don't think MacPorts is shipping
> a usable GUI-mode Octave. And there are GUI-mode users out there. This
> could include:
> * Adding an Octave 4.4.x port alongside the main Octave 5.x port

This seems reasonable, though to be fully functional there would also
need to be Octave 4 subports of all the octave-* module ports, which may
also need to be older versions. Please file a ticket (or even better, a
PR making the necessary changes) and Cc the MacPorts Octave maintainer

- Josh

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