Need help with troubleshooting Blender PR

Joshua Root jmr at
Fri Aug 28 00:06:55 UTC 2020

On 2020-8-28 05:55 , Jason Liu wrote:
> On the 10.14 Azure build, this is resulting in the MacPorts
> build system showing a value of MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.14", but
> the xcodebuild command returning a value of 10.15.

It's actually valid to use an older deployment target with a newer SDK,
but only if your code handles weak-linked symbols correctly. I don't
know if Blender does, but it's fairly uncommon in the open source world.
For that reason, we strongly prefer to use an SDK that matches the
deployment target. That will often only be available in the Command Line
Tools, which means you'll see paths in /Library/Developer even when
Xcode is being used.

The main problem seems to be the -isysroot flag pointing to the SDK
detected by the xcodebuild command, overriding the other -isysroot flag
added by MacPorts.

- Josh

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