Why is binary avoided for Xcode MPI wrappers?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Fri May 21 22:44:15 UTC 2021

On May 21, 2021, at 09:00, Eric Borisch wrote:
> On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 10:56 PM Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> rev-upgrade only checks library linkage. If you're saying that this software links with a library inside Xcode, and that the install name of that library varies by Xcode version such that the software linked with the library in one version of Xcode fails with a library file not found error when Xcode is upgraded to a new version, then yes rev-upgrade would detect that. Otherwise, no it would not.
> If someone installs MacPorts without following the directions (installing xcode / command line tools), they might (don't know, I haven't tried doing that) end up downloading a package that tries (via mpicc / mpicxx) to run a compiler that isn't there. (Since running mpicc requires the wrapped cc to be present.) But looking at the binaries and libraries in mpich-default, I don't think rev-upgrade would catch anything.

A compiler is a program, not a library, so you're correct that rev-upgrade would not notice anything about that.

The list of compilers provided by Xcode hasn't changed in a long time, as it? It's been only clang since Xcode 5, hasn't it?

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