/usr/bin/python will be removed in macOS 12.3!

Christopher Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Sat Feb 19 16:26:32 UTC 2022

> On 19 Feb 2022, at 1:58 pm, Gerben Wierda via macports-dev <macports-dev at lists.macports.org> wrote:
> Oof. 
> I’m happy to check as soon as 12.3 is out, but I wonder how to check. Installing a port is easy enough to do, but how do I find out if a port uses it in some arcane way? And if it does, how should one fix.
> I was wondering if a reasonable band-aid would be to have /usr/bin/python link to the one from MacPorts when installed, but given Apple’s strategy in clamping down, I guess that will not work in the long term, even if it might work in the short term. And of course, such a band-at only hides the debt that has now been created in the ports so it is a bad idea in other senses as well.

Terrible idea all round. Don’t do it.

Note /usr/bin/python3 is still there (for now). Ports that can use python3 instead could just use this, on the OSes that provide it.

Better solution, as it works across more OSes, is to declare a dependency (build, or lib depending on how python3 is used) on one of the macports python3 versions and configure the builds to find that directly in ${prefix}.


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