pre-built quartz variant packages

Valerio Messina efa at
Tue Dec 5 21:47:08 UTC 2023

as a user of osxcross, I also use the good of macports.
I read that is not your main target, but tolerate cross-built from other 
OS. I'm on Debian.

I saw there are pre-built packages here:
and this is where the 'osxcross-macport' get the packages.

Native macport client has support for variants with something like:
$ port variants <pkg>     # show package variants
$ port install <pkg> +<var1> -<var2>   # install variant1, not variant2

I saw on there are only X11 packages, and seems 
native quartz variant are missing.
So for example for gtk3-devel:
is available for X11 backend only as pre-built for foreign OS.

Is there a reason for this?

Having native quartz pre-built packages will help developer to target 
quartz instead of xquartz, without the need to (cross)build the GTK 
itself. This is so for other library with variants.

As now the bash script 'osxcross-macport' do not support variants, but 
I'm sure can be easily upgraded if packages server will host quartz 

thank you for exaplanation and work,

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