Help with Ticket #68015

Marcus Calhoun-Lopez mcalhoun at
Sat Apr 27 09:30:12 UTC 2024

As part of its build process, Rust creates a program called
`bootstrap`, which reports a stack overflow on 10.9 and 10.10 (see
ticket #68015).

What I cannot figure out is the following.
If I take the `bootstrap` built on 10.8, then it works just fine on
10.8 and 10.11.
That same binary crashes on t0.9 and 10.10.
If I take the `bootstrap` built on 10.9, then it crashes on 10.9.
However, that same binary runs fine on 10.10.

Can anyone imagine a scenario where the same binary runs on 10.8 and
10.11 but crashes on 10.9 and 10.10?


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