rev-upgrade and checking for +universal dependencies (and build dependencies)

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat Jun 8 11:10:50 UTC 2024

On Saturday June 08 2024 09:46:34 Clemens Lang wrote:

>Using library preloading – which does not currently work against Apple's
>binaries on Apple Silicon Macs.

But those aren't installed through MacPorts. Does it matter here whether SIP & family are enabled or not, btw?

>Tracelib only works on spawned subprocesses, not the MacPorts tclsh
>process itself, so in order for that to work, rev-upgrade would have to
>spawn a separate process, which it currently does not.

For this particular case that should be a trivial detail. The rev-upgrade procedure does not itself spawn any helper processes at the moment, correct?

>I also don't see how this is would give you anything that
>would not.

The elegance and security of a single command that can be written to handle all possible error situations. Plus you're not crippling any functionality at all.

BTW, in terms of evaluation dependents of a shared library: would it suffice to remove read and/or execute permissions from the file rather than making the file disappear completely? If so it might already be enough to do that for just the file owner, provided the rev-upgrade scan is run as that user.  I suppose that files are normally owned by root in a normal MP installation...


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