maintaining packages in macports vs. in a language package manager

Zero King l2dy at
Sat Mar 9 18:26:30 UTC 2024

Hi Perry,

On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 08:40:49AM +0100, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>(2) Insist in installing separate ocaml-* packages as individual ports
>and mostly ignoring what "opam" does (apart from maybe providing a
>port for it). Note that we do have tools like "cpan2port" and
>"pip2port" that help the developer to nearly automatically create a
>package from CPAN or PyPI. For Perl and Python this is super
>important. I don't know whether we have some super useful software
>written in ocaml that is already packaged or that we would want to get
>packaged. If the answer is yes, we should keep using this approach. If
>the answer is no, there's no need to do this. It's definitely more
>complex to do, but it gives you more freedom at the end.

I'm trying to package comby for MacPorts, but there are some missing
dependencies that are too labor-intensive to create by hand, especially for me
because I'm not familiar with OCaml packaging.

It seems that we are going with option 2 for ocaml ports now and many new ports
have being added. Are you aware of any tool like pypi2port that could help
speed up the process of packaging new ocaml ports for MacPorts?


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