Reacting to build errors from a Portfile (e.g. giving specific hints)

Daniel J. Luke dluke at
Sun Sep 1 21:43:13 UTC 2024

On Aug 30, 2024, at 4:02 PM, René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at> wrote:
> On Friday August 30 2024 15:46:39 Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>> It's probably better to fix the build system.
> Undoubtedly. But the case I had that made me start this discussion was of the same sort as the problems you can run into whey there's conflicting software installed under /usr/local, except in this case it was on Linux and thus under /usr. This standard advise to "just don't install anything under /usr/local" can't really be applied here, but uninstalling or moving aside the conflicting system resources is still often the only fix.

Making the build system ignore stuff in any directory (or only looking in specific directories) should be possible. YMMV on how easy it is to implement/if it's worth it to hack on it.

>> Failing that, I think it's more flexible and more supportable if you just wrap the build system with your own script
> That's another possibility of course.
>> (As a bonus, you don't have to implement your script in tcl if you don't want to).
> By now I'm probably better at writing Tcl than [ba]sh code so I'm certain there's any bonus in that :)

Daniel J. Luke

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