Reacting to build errors from a Portfile (e.g. giving specific hints)

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sun Sep 1 21:51:52 UTC 2024

On Sunday September 01 2024 17:43:13 Daniel J. Luke wrote:

>Making the build system ignore stuff in any directory (or only looking in specific directories) should be possible. YMMV on how easy it is to implement/if it's worth it to hack on it.

I've encountered too many cases lately where this turned out to be anything but trivial and a really deep rabbithole and where the easy solution (just uninstall the offending -dev packages from the host) wasn't an acceptable solution either (because too many other packages would be uninstalled too).

Remember when CMake got clever and thought it'd be helpful if "they" converted libraries specified by their full path (for good reason) into `-lfoo` notation because the path in question was on the search path? ;)

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