[MacPorts] #18665: rabbitmq-server update port to 1.5.3
noreply at macports.org
Fri Feb 27 09:54:28 PST 2009
#18665: rabbitmq-server update port to 1.5.3
Reporter: cpettitt@… | Owner: tonyg@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Updates
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.0
Keywords: | Port: rabbitmq-server
Changes (by macsforever2000@…):
* cc: cpettitt@… (removed)
* keywords: rabbitmq-server =>
* owner: macports-tickets@… => tonyg@…
Old description:
> I'm attaching new files for the net/rabbitmq-server that brings it up to
> the latest version (1.5.3).
> Note that the port has changed significantly - though it started from the
> current port - to accommodate the newest build system for rabbitmq-
> server:
> - The Portfile can be patched with the attached patch
> - files/rabbitmq-defaults should be removed
> - patch-org.macports.rabbitmq-server.plist.diff should be added to files/
> - files/rabbitmq_wrapper should be patched with the attached path
New description:
I'm attaching new files for the net/rabbitmq-server that brings it up to
the latest version (1.5.3).
Note that the port has changed significantly - though it started from the
current port - to accommodate the newest build system for rabbitmq-server:
- The Portfile can be patched with the attached patch
- files/rabbitmq-defaults should be removed
- patch-org.macports.rabbitmq-server.plist.diff should be added to
- files/rabbitmq_wrapper should be patched with the attached path
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/18665#comment:4>
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