[MacPorts] #27183: soci 3.0.0 Port Submission
noreply at macports.org
Sun Nov 7 22:52:22 PST 2010
#27183: soci 3.0.0 Port Submission
Reporter: markus@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.1
Keywords: | Port: soci
Comment(by markus@…):
Thanks for the comments.
Replying to [comment:1 ryandesign@…]:
> Some comments:
> There is no variant called "postgresql". However, "default_variants
+mysql" would be ok if you want users to have MySQL support by default.
I think there should be at last one database supported by default.
However, I don't know macports policy about it. I changed this to
postgresql83 and forgot to remove it from the portfile.
> There should not be a slash before ${prefix} because ${prefix} already
begins with a slash. However, are you sure these lines are necessary at
Corrected. Yes, the lines are necessary as they tell make where to install
the library and header files, which - from my point of view - helps to
keep the Portfile as small and therefor maintainable as possible. Again:
if there is a different policy, I'll be happy to adapt to it.
> Please depend on the stable port mysql5, not the development version in
mysql5-devel. Also please write the dependency so that a user who wants to
use mysql5-devel can do so. Refer to any existing port that depends on
mysql5 for the correct way to write this dependency using the "path:"
Will do so.
> I don't think any of the PostgreSQL variants are correct because the
directories they indicate for includes and libraries don't exist.
Corrected. Funny enough, the library was built correctly.
> Why not use postgresql90 as the default, since that is the latest stable
version of PostgreSQL?
As [http://soci.sourceforge.net/doc/backends/postgresql.html SOCI's
PostgreSQL Backend Reference] states it's only tested for PostgreSQL 8.3.
The idea behind it was to provide a known good enivironment in case the
user does not care about the postgres version.
I'll retest my Portfile and submit it later this day.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/27183#comment:2>
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