[MacPorts] #31840: rb-builder: destroot fails on Mac OS X 10.5.8
noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 1 09:09:14 PDT 2011
#31840: rb-builder: destroot fails on Mac OS X 10.5.8
Reporter: kaltree@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: leopard | Port: rb-builder
Comment(by kaltree@…):
Thanks for the prompt response. Here is my understanding of what's
happening - not sure if it's accurate, but just my thoughts...
The port 'rb-builder' is basically a script that invokes a ruby utility
called 'gem' with some parameters - a utility that allows end users to
manage ruby add-ons called 'gems'. If I install the 'builder' add-on
using the 'gem' utiliity, it succeeds - however I still see the nil
cert_chain warning and documentation generation error.
When invoking the gem utility directly (not using MacPorts) to install
this add-on, the end result is I get the fore mentioned log messages
showing in the terminal, but the gem is still installed and usable from
within ruby. When attempting the install using MacPorts, the port install
appears to abort installation at the first failure. In this case, the
failure is happening during documentation generation and while it's
important - it's probably okay to still allow the install, but inform the
end user that some of the post install setup failed.
One thought on expected behavior in this case is to allow the install to
proceed since the failure isn't a catastrophic failure, but warn the user
that portions of the port install may have failed. In this case, the
error likely lies within the ruby gem 'builder' script that the port
script is executing. I'm not sure what the best behavior is for MacPorts,
in the case where a non-critical failure occurs while processing a port
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/31840#comment:4>
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