[MacPorts] #33886: Startx script cannot handle fake domain names on PPC Tiger?
noreply at macports.org
Tue Apr 3 15:19:57 PDT 2012
#33886: Startx script cannot handle fake domain names on PPC Tiger?
Reporter: Peter_Dyballa@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.4
Keywords: | Port: xinit
I am connected to internet via a cable modem with built-in router, an AVM
FRITZ!Box 6360. This establishes, maybe when NAT is activated or when it's
set as DNS server, a fake domain, "fritz.box". The hostname command
therefore seems to return "hostname.fritz.box". When the startx @1.3.2
script passes this name to xauth, xauth assumes a fully qualified domain
name – and this needs to have the attribute /unix added to the hostname,
according to the documentation.
The proper cure seems to be in checking whether hostname returns a name
with ".". If true, then with cut or awk the first component can be
extracted and used later on...
This effect only happens on PPC Tiger, Mac OS X 10.4.11. On PPC Leopard,
Mac OS X 10.5.8, hostname returns hostnames.local, so no problem. On intel
Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.8, "hostname.fritz.box" produces no problem.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/33886>
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