[MacPorts] #35551: MacPorts_Framework: build failed
noreply at macports.org
Tue Aug 7 14:04:13 PDT 2012
#35551: MacPorts_Framework: build failed
Reporter: me@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Keywords: | Port: MacPorts_Framework
Comment(by wrwolf2@…):
installation problem sorted on me dev system. (marc - wrwolf2 AKA
mcWolf2). pls feedback if not clear enough with STEPS to be rewritten.
- with this config : OS X 10.8 (build 12A269), xCode 4.5 DP3, java for
os X - july '12 release (i only mention java because if remember well it
is necessary for xcode to run or for some essential components then, i
always install latest java release as a regular task). also installed
xQuartz replacing os X X-11 native app & replaced Command Line Tools for
xCode 4.5 DP3 os X 10.8 with C.L.T for xcode 4.4 os X 10.8 found @
assuming then You have updated macport ("sudo port -v selfupdate" from
terminal window) , i run "sudo port install pallet" & still got errors.
had a look at log files & found that xcode license agreement has to be
signed (AGREE) within terminal window also.-> type & run "xcodebuild
-license" & follow instructions - scroll down- 'til the end of the
agreement then type "agree" hit RETURN/ENTER key and you're done. (
suggesting to type & run from within ROOT account - LOGIN: root; PASSWD:
yourRootPasswd - to make agreement accepted system wide)
bare in mind You might have to select correct xCode release by typing "
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode45-DP3.app/Contents/Developer
# version 4.5 ", Mountain Lion (os X 10.8 ) DEVELOPER folder for
Xcode.app, is located (installed) within the package content & it is not a
folder on your system root <-top level parent directory> any longer.
NOTE: when logging in as ROOT (in terminal) i cannot run PORT command ,
not even by navigating (changing directory) to /opt/local/bin & typing &
running "PORT" (or PORT INSTALL PALLET). NOT A CLUE Y this happens for
"PORT" command is there in bin directory, privileges are set as ROOT
account & still no execution of "port" UNIX EXE file.(Lion 10.7 wasn't
raising errors msgs.)
last but not least there's a minor bug to fix in Lion & Mountain Lion (
haven't tested on Snow Leopard). Blank Passwords (no password) for admin
account are not accepted in terminal when running SUDO commands & the way
around in Lion 10.7 is to login with ROOT (ROOT credentials) in terminal
and execute commands without SUDO pre-fix. In ML (mountain lion, 10.8)
however , PORT command won't run when logged in as ROOT as mentioned
above. (i.e.: mcBook:bin root# port install pallet
-sh: port: command not found)
THEN set password to something & DO NOT leave BLANK passwords
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/35551#comment:5>
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