[MacPorts] #30927: gimp2 @2.6.11_6+python27+x11 - X11 crash on Lion
noreply at macports.org
Wed Mar 14 11:45:34 PDT 2012
#30927: gimp2 @2.6.11_6+python27+x11 - X11 crash on Lion
Reporter: caius.cdv@… | Owner: jeremyhu@…
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.0.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: xorg-server |
Comment(by macports@…):
For the benefit of the ticket (and commenter who it seems overlooked the
requirement for this step):
Replying to [comment:40 elatllat@…]:
> solution: [....]
> manually run /Applications/MacPorts/X11.app
> Applications->Terminal->gimp
By default the X server that came with OS X is the one that is auto-
launched when you run an X application, until you log out and then log in
again (or reboot), after which (by default) the xorg-server X server
defaults to being the one that is auto-launched. From what you said this
is the issue you encountered. You can tell which X server is running
fairly easily by going to the X11--About X11 item in the menu. If you see
"XQuartz 2.7.2 (xorg-server 1.12.0)" then the MacPorts one is running; if
you see something else then the one shipped with OS X is probably running.
If it's something else, and still crashes, you probably want to try harder
to ensure the "xorg-server 1.12.0" one is started before testing again.
There are ways to skip the need to log out/log in again (but still have
xorg-server 1.12.0 auto-launched), and ways to continue running the OS X
shipped X server by default -- and only run the MacPorts one manually as
you have -- but I don't remember the detail off hand. Other than issues
exiting the xorg-server(-devel) application completely at times --
sometimes older versions seemed to get into a tight memory leaking loop --
I don't remember any other issues with running all my X applications under
it. Plus avoiding gtk+ warnings about missing extensions is nice.
Ewen (who can't re-close the ticket either)
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30927#comment:41>
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