[MacPorts] #32542: Setting configure.compiler to a MacPorts-provided compiler doesn't add dependency automatically
noreply at macports.org
Sun Feb 10 16:49:22 PST 2013
#32542: Setting configure.compiler to a MacPorts-provided compiler doesn't add
dependency automatically
Reporter: cal@… | Owner: larryv@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: High | Milestone:
Component: base | Version: 2.0.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by cal@…):
#37817 reminds me this will not be working properly on the rsync server
when generating the index in some cases: The portindex is generated on a
linux box. `portindex` supports pretending to be on another platform
(which is how we achieve platform-specific indices). However, on those
machines, `$xcodeversion` is always `"none"`, causing `compiler.fallback`
to be `{cc}` by default.
So, e.g., for ports on 10.8 blacklisting all xcode compilers the fallback
would be some macports compiler, causing a dependency to be added. On the
server generating the portindex the fallback (and default anyway) would be
`cc`. Thus, the dependency wouldn't get recorded in the PortIndex.
If we wanted to fix this correctly, we'd have to pretend having Xcode
installed on the servers, too. This would also mean that our PortIndex
would be Xcode-version-specific and we'd have to support multiple versions
of Xcode per OS version. I'd say it's not worth the effort and we can live
with somewhat off dependencies in the PortIndex (since building will still
work correctly).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/32542#comment:36>
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