[MacPorts] #39619: Submission gnome-chemistry-utils
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jul 3 00:48:41 PDT 2013
#39619: Submission gnome-chemistry-utils
Reporter: c.herbig@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.3
Resolution: | Keywords: science chemistry gnome
Port: gnome-chemistry-utils |
Comment (by c.herbig@…):
Replying to [comment:2 ryandesign@…]:
> The port says "supported_archs x86_64 i386". So it definitely does not
work on PowerPC?
I have absolutely no idea, and I don't have a PPC mac to test it...
> In the long description, you may benefit from inserting newlines. See
the moreutils port for an example.
Thanks, that actually what I wanted it to look like.
> You don't need to specify "depends_extract port:xz"; saying "use_xz yes"
does that automatically.
> You should not declare a dependency on port:xorg-server. That port
provides X11.app, which is but one way that users can access X11 programs.
(Other ways include using Apple's X11.app, or the one from XQuartz, or
using an X11 server on a different computer.) You should however declare
dependencies on any individual X11 libraries this port links with; there
are individual ports for each.
Perhaps then it doesn't need that line at all, since it needs mesa for
OpenGL things, but only needs an X11 display to connect to when it
> The lines of hash marks should be removed from the notes. The notes
should just be a paragraph (or paragraphs) of text. If you feel MacPorts
does not draw sufficient attention to the notes in the installation
output, then that is a global issue that should be addressed by changing
MacPorts base, not by changing each individual port.
I took them out, I had modeled it after how the dbus port did it.
> You've attached a second portfile, of goffice. We already have a port of
goffice. If you're proposing to update the goffice port in some way, file
a new ticket, and attach a unified diff of your changes to it. First
consult any existing open tickets about goffice to see if they relate.
Now here we have a real problem. I forgot that I had been using an
updated gnumeric and therefore goffice in a local repository, and that
MacPorts still has 0.8.x. They had attempted to update it before, but had
to drop it back down because anything above goffice 0.8.x breaks GnuCash
(https://trac.macports.org/changeset/91843). So after submitting this, I
realized if anyone wanted to try it, they would need the updated office
0.10.x portfile, which gnome-chemistry-utils requires. It seems that
Fedora deals with the problem by making a separate goffice08 dependency
for GnuCash, perhaps someone can take a look at doing that?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39619#comment:3>
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