[MacPorts] #39779: base: "tcldoc" make target requires TCLDOC variable to be set in the environment
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jul 17 11:48:09 PDT 2013
#39779: base: "tcldoc" make target requires TCLDOC variable to be set in the
Reporter: egall@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: base | Version: 2.1.3
Keywords: | Port:
without setting it:
Local-Admins-MacBook-Pro:MacPorts-fork ericgallager$ echo $TCLDOC
Local-Admins-MacBook-Pro:MacPorts-fork ericgallager$ make tcldoc
find src -name '*.tcl' | xargs --verbose --title "MacPorts Documentation"
--force tcldoc
xargs: unrecognized option `--title'
Usage: xargs [-0prtx] [--interactive] [--null] [-d|--delimiter=delim]
[-E eof-str] [-e[eof-str]] [--eof[=eof-str]]
[-L max-lines] [-l[max-lines]] [--max-lines[=max-lines]]
[-I replace-str] [-i[replace-str]] [--replace[=replace-str]]
[-n max-args] [--max-args=max-args]
[-s max-chars] [--max-chars=max-chars]
[-P max-procs] [--max-procs=max-procs] [--show-limits]
[--verbose] [--exit] [--no-run-if-empty] [--arg-file=file]
[--version] [--help] [command [initial-arguments]]
Report bugs to <bug-findutils at gnu.org>.
make: *** [tcldoc] Error 1
with setting it:
Local-Admins-MacBook-Pro:MacPorts-fork ericgallager$ export
Local-Admins-MacBook-Pro:MacPorts-fork ericgallager$ make tcldoc
find src -name '*.tcl' | xargs /opt/local/bin/tcldoc --verbose --title
"MacPorts Documentation" --force tcldoc
Writing to directory tcldoc.
I was able to figure this out eventually, but it wasn't entirely clear to
me... This should either be automatically set in the makefile when
configuring, or at least documented with a comment in the makefile or
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