[MacPorts] #46140: h5utils 1.12.1_7 fails install due to missing MPI libraries
noreply at macports.org
Fri Dec 5 11:25:31 PST 2014
#46140: h5utils 1.12.1_7 fails install due to missing MPI libraries
Reporter: jason.b.roberts@… | Owner: higginja@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: h5utils |
Comment (by jason.b.roberts@…):
Im going through the MacPorts guide a little more thoroughly and seem some
answers to some of my questions (e.g. "what is a portgroup" ). But, its
still not clear to me how those portgroups get invoked (do I have to do a
special build, or can I note some flag/option following the "port install"
command) to modify the environment. Maybe with a little more reading some
of this will become clear. The frustrating part is I feel like I see the
solution (i.e. add a path to headers /opt/local/include/openmpi ) but I
don't know enough of the way the ports are installed to make the
I did test by placing a symbolic link to the mpi.h into the
/opt/local/include directory and the build made it further but crashed
when missing yet another /opt/local/include/openmpi/ header file. While I
think it would work to place a symlink for all of the *.h in
/opt/local/include/openmpi , I just don't feel like that is in the nature
of macports and worry that doing so would create potential
issues/conflicts in the future.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46140#comment:5>
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