[MacPorts] #46322: p5-*: consistently remove Perl versions 5.8-5.14
noreply at macports.org
Tue Dec 30 13:57:54 PST 2014
#46322: p5-*: consistently remove Perl versions 5.8-5.14
Reporter: mojca@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by devans@…):
Ran into something I didn't expect. Case in point is port p5-json-pp.
Currently a Portfile exists for p5-json-pp outside of p5-graveyard. After
mojca's most recent trimming of subports, its only subport is p5.12-json-
pp. The port only ever had subports < 5.14 since it is in core for more
recent perl versions.
Before updating p5-graveyard to this latest test version, for historical
reasons I had p5.10-json-pp installed.
After updating p5-graveyard and running portindex, I tried installing
p5.12-json-pp and was successful even though p5-json-pp is in graveyard's
list. I now see the following results.
$ port installed p5.*-json-pp
p5.10-json-pp @2.273.0_0 (active)
p5.12-json-pp @2.273.0_0 (active)
$ port outdated p5.*-json-pp
p5.10-json-pp 2.273.0_0 < 2.273.0_1
$ port info p5-json-pp (gets info from port p5-json-pp)
p5-json-pp @2.273.0 (perl)
Replaced by: p5.12-json-pp
Sub-ports: p5.12-json-pp
Description: JSON::PP (no description available)
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/JSON-PP/
Library Dependencies: p5.12-json-pp
Platforms: darwin
License: Artistic-1 GPL
Maintainers: nomaintainer at macports.org
$ port info p5.10-json-pp (gets info from port p5-graveyard)
p5.10-json-pp @2.273.0_1 (perl)
Replaced by: p5.16-json-pp
Description: this port is only a stub and has been made obsolete
by p5.16-json-pp
Homepage: http://www.macports.org/
Platforms: darwin
License: unknown
Maintainers: nomaintainer at macports.org
$ port info p5.12-json-pp (gets info from port p5-json-pp)
p5.12-json-pp @2.273.0 (perl)
Description: JSON::PP (no description available)
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/JSON-PP/
Library Dependencies: perl5.12
Platforms: darwin
License: Artistic-1 GPL
Maintainers: nomaintainer at macports.org
I admit this is a pathological case. p5-json-pp should either be removed
or updated to p5.16 - p5.20 (probably the latter due to the replacement by
p5.16-json-pp offered by p5-graveyard). See #46343. But it looks like a
Portfile with a subport < p5.16 can override p5-graveyard (at least
sometimes). Is this what you expect?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46322#comment:45>
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