[MacPorts] #44227: suricata 2.0.2
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jul 3 04:18:15 PDT 2014
#44227: suricata 2.0.2
Reporter: mschamschula@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: suricata |
Comment (by mschamschula@…):
A bunch of great catches. I fixed the following:
* Detabed and cleaned up some whitespace issues
* Substituted libmagic for file (outside of MacPorts they are one and the
* Removed the ipfw variant.
* Made sure geoip is not enabled by default (actually needed to add
configure.args for default)
* Added comment to {{{patch-Makefile.in.diff}}} to note open issue
regarding ${DESTDIR} upstream.
The only unresolved issues are the matters of HAVE_STRLCAT and
HAVE_STRLCPY: ./configure does not test for these. This issue was reported
by the Homebrew maintainer on 5/15/2014:
https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/1192 and will be resolved
by the next release (2.0.3). I currently only have access to Mavericks
MacPorts machines, so I have no way of testing on older OSs.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44227#comment:2>
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