[MacPorts] #49394: xorg-server @1.17.2_0 on Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.8, launches the X clients when launched the second time

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Dec 29 15:45:36 PST 2015

#49394: xorg-server @1.17.2_0 on Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.8, launches the X
clients when launched the second time
  Reporter:  Peter_Dyballa@…  |      Owner:  jeremyhu@…
      Type:  defect           |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  Normal           |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports            |    Version:  2.3.4
Resolution:  worksforme       |   Keywords:
      Port:  xorg-server      |

Comment (by Peter_Dyballa@…):

 Replying to [comment:16 jeremyhu@…]:
 > I'd start by removing your custom /Users/pete/.xinitrc and
 /Users/pete/.xserverrc scripts.

 This seems to make the situation worse: X11 is started twice the first
 time I launch /Applications/MacPorts/X11.app:

 pete 74 /\ PS start
   UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS WCHAN     S     ADDR
 TTY           TIME CMD
   502 45006     1     4004   0  31  0  2439400    900 -      S
 ffffff8014eddaa0 ??         0:00.01 /bin/tcsh -c /opt/local/bin/startx
   502 45015 45006     4004   0  31  0  2435544    884 -      S
 ffffff801af6c240 ??         0:00.01 /bin/sh /opt/local/bin/startx
   502 45134   223     4004   0  33  0  2452980    632 -      S
 ffffff80182bc240 ??         0:00.01 /opt/X11/lib/X11/xinit/launchd_startx
 /opt/X11/bin/startx -- /opt/X11/bin/Xquartz
   502 45135 45134     4004   0  31  0  2435544    884 -      S
 ffffff8017a07b60 ??         0:00.01 /bin/sh /opt/X11/bin/startx --
 pete 75 /\ pstree -w -p 45015
 -+= 00001 root /sbin/launchd
  \-+- 45006 pete /bin/tcsh -c /opt/local/bin/startx
    \-+- 45015 pete /bin/sh /opt/local/bin/startx
      \-+- 45062 pete xinit /opt/local/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc --
 /opt/local/bin/X :0 -dpi 133 -auth /Users/pete/.serverauth.45015
        |--= 45063 pete /opt/local/bin/X :0 -dpi 133 -auth
        \-+= 45076 pete /opt/local/bin/metacity
          |-+- 45104 pete xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8
          | \--= 45171 pete -csh
          |--- 45105 pete /sw/bin/gkrellm
          |--- 45107 pete emacs-25.0.50 -xrm Emacs*iconName: TeX Live-2013
 -T TeX Live 2013 at 25.0.50 -geometry 133x75+1133+133 --debug-init -fn Lucida
 Sans Typewriter:autohint=true:antialias=true:size=9
          |--- 45108 pete /usr/local/bin/emacs-23.4 -geometry 123x75+27+123
 -T 23.4 --debug-init -fn Lucida Sans
          \--- 45533 pete libgtop-server
 pete 77 /\ la -t /tmp/
 insgesamt 16
 srwxrwxrwx 1 pete wheel   0 30. Dez 00:23 dbus-K4DfOaRGr2
 -r--r--r-- 1 pete wheel  11 30. Dez 00:22 .X1-lock
 drwxrwxrwt 2 root wheel 102 30. Dez 00:22 .X11-unix
 drwxrwxrwt 2 root wheel  68 30. Dez 00:22 .ICE-unix
 drwx------ 3 root wheel 102 30. Dez 00:22 .X11-unix-jZQSAv4i
 drwxrwxrwt 2 root wheel  68 30. Dez 00:22 .font-unix
 -r--r--r-- 1 pete wheel  11 30. Dez 00:22 .X0-lock

 pete 78 /\ la -t /tmp/.X11-unix
 insgesamt 0
 srwxrwxrwx 1 pete wheel 0 30. Dez 00:23 X1

 The situation improves (only one X server gets started), but the number of
 sockets, locks, and displays increases:

 pete 89 /\ pstree -w -p 49699
 -+= 00001 root /sbin/launchd
  \-+- 49699 pete /bin/tcsh -c /opt/local/bin/startx
    \-+- 49708 pete /bin/sh /opt/local/bin/startx
      \-+- 49754 pete xinit /opt/local/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc --
 /opt/local/bin/X :2 -dpi 133 -auth /Users/pete/.serverauth.49708
        |--= 49755 pete /opt/local/bin/X :2 -dpi 133 -auth
        \-+= 49774 pete /sw/bin/fluxbox
          |-+- 49793 pete xterm -class UXTerm -title uxterm -u8
          | \--= 49828 pete -csh
          |--- 49794 pete /sw/bin/gkrellm
          |-+- 49796 pete emacs-25.0.50 -xrm Emacs*iconName: TeX Live-2013
 -T TeX Live 2013 at 25.0.50 -geometry 133x75+1133+133 --debug-init -fn Lucida
 Sans Typewriter:autohint=true:antialias=true:size=9
          | \--= 50299 pete -bin/tcsh -i
          \-+- 49797 pete /usr/local/bin/emacs-23.4 -geometry 123x75+27+123
 -T 23.4 --debug-init -fn Lucida Sans
            \--= 49958 pete -bin/tcsh -i
 pete 90 /\ la -t /tmp/
 insgesamt 20
 drwxrwxrwt 2 root wheel 102 30. Dez 00:42 .X11-unix
 -r--r--r-- 1 pete wheel  11 30. Dez 00:42 .X2-lock
 srwxrwxrwx 1 pete wheel   0 30. Dez 00:23 dbus-K4DfOaRGr2
 -r--r--r-- 1 pete wheel  11 30. Dez 00:22 .X1-lock
 drwxrwxrwt 2 root wheel  68 30. Dez 00:22 .ICE-unix
 drwx------ 3 root wheel 102 30. Dez 00:22 .X11-unix-jZQSAv4i
 drwxrwxrwt 2 root wheel  68 30. Dez 00:22 .font-unix
 -r--r--r-- 1 pete wheel  11 30. Dez 00:22 .X0-lock
 pete 91 /\ la -t /tmp/.X11-unix
 insgesamt 0
 srwxrwxrwx 1 pete wheel 0 30. Dez 00:42 X2


Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/49394#comment:18>
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