[MacPorts] #45617: abinit 7.8.2: use of port groups
noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 12 17:09:24 PST 2015
#45617: abinit 7.8.2: use of port groups
Reporter: cram5431@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.2
Resolution: | Keywords: maintainer
Port: abinit |
Comment (by dstrubbe@…):
New Portfile using compilers and mpi portgroups properly, updating to
* Adds support for gcc5 and gcc6, and understanding of +gfortran in
dependencies; support for devel MPI ports
* Great simplification of enforcement of Fortran variants etc. in pre-
* Disabled +atompaw, since it (like the +bigdft variant) downloads some
code itself in the build step.
* Fixed livecheck.
* Presence of Fortran variant for fftw-3 and fftw-3-single is checked.
* Apparently OpenMPI would not use MPI2 here before; I expect this is
related to a bug in OpenMPI (or its packaging) that I found with octopus,
and was fixed some time ago (#39826). Now MPI2 is enabled always.
* +g95 is usable now (though not with threads).
* Removed unnecessary statement "build.cmd make" which is the default.
* cxx compiler is not specified since it does not appear to be used in
cram, please check. Also anyone who is using El Capitán, I still am on
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/45617#comment:11>
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