[MacPorts] #45823: [NEW]: rb21-fontcustom with dependent rb21 ports
noreply at macports.org
Mon Aug 5 16:09:08 UTC 2019
#45823: [NEW]: rb21-fontcustom with dependent rb21 ports
Reporter: robertoschwald@… | Owner: macports-
| tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: rb21-celluloid rb21-ffi |
rb21-fontcustom rb21-hitimes rb21-listen rb21 |
-rb-fsevent rb21-rb-inotify rb21-thor |
rb21-timers |
Comment (by chrstphrchvz):
Ruby 2.1 has been EOL since 2017. Are these ports still desirable for
newer Ruby versions?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/45823#comment:9>
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