[MacPorts] #58822: Update for port nsd
noreply at macports.org
Tue Aug 13 05:25:25 UTC 2019
#58822: Update for port nsd
Reporter: gctwnl | Owner: (none)
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.5.4
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch
Port: nsd |
Comment (by jmroot):
Replying to [comment:4 gctwnl]:
> I've created a local repository. So, now I have
> {{{
> file:///Users/sysbh/MacPortsDev
> rsync://rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports.tar [default]
> }}}
> in sources.conf
From the info below it looks like the first line should be
> I've created a clone of the MacPorts repo in
> {{{
> /Users/sysbh/MacPortsDev/macports-ports
> }}}
Usually you would want to fork the repo on GitHub first, since you won't
be able to push to ours, and clone your fork.
> I've copied my changed Portfile over to
> {{{
> /Users/sysbh/MacPortsDev/macports-ports/net/nsd/Portfile
> }}}
> In that directory, I've ran 'git add Portfile' (it's all coming back to
me, last time git was 2006 or so)
> And I've edited the stuff about StartupItems to say
> {{{
> startupitem.create yes
> startupitem.executable "${prefix}/sbin/nsd"
> }}}
Looks reasonable (with the -d flag you mentioned in the next comment.)
Note that the double quotes are not necessary, but do no harm.
> I had to put in a revision statement because otherwise the port would
not install. I tried -f and -s to no avail.
If you already had version 4.2.1 installed, running port install again
would do nothing. You would have to uninstall first to be able to install
again. Please reset the revision to 0 before pushing.
> I think this is the moment I need to do
> {{{
> git push origin
> }}}
> right? And then create a pull request on GitHub?
If `origin` is pointing to your fork, then yes. Normally you would push
the specific branch that you made the commit on. (Making PRs from master
is possible but you can't have multiple independent PRs going at once that
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/58822#comment:6>
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