[MacPorts] #71564: libnetpbm @11.08.02: chown: Operation not permitted
noreply at macports.org
Fri Dec 20 16:52:51 UTC 2024
#71564: libnetpbm @11.08.02: chown: Operation not permitted
Reporter: AgilentGCMS | Owner: ryandesign
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.10.5
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: libnetpbm |
Comment (by AgilentGCMS):
Replying to [comment:8 ryandesign]:
> The only possible reason is explained in comment:ticket:69650:5: Those
must be the values in your
/opt/local/libexec/macports/lib/port1.0/port_autoconf.tcl, which were
placed there when MacPorts was configured (either by you manually or as a
result of running `port selfupdate`).
So, I checked `libexec/macports/lib/port1.0/port_autoconf.tcl`, and it
indeed has
variable install_user "sbasu1"
variable install_group "admin"
Since I didn't specify any group or user with my initial `./configure`,
and currently `id -gn` on my system yields `staff`, this must have been
changed to `admin` during one of the `port selfupdate` sessions. Maybe
changing these values during `port selfupdate` is not a good idea, i.e.,
if the user set up the port install tree a certain way, `port selfupdate`
should respect that?
From time to time, on our work laptops, we are given elevated privileges
to perform certain tasks such as security updates. I was considering
whether I might have run `port selfupdate` during one of those periods of
elevated privilege. However, I was **just** given such an elevated
privilege session, so I opened a terminal to check, and `id -gn` still
says `staff`. So that can't be the reason, and confirms my suspicion that
I was never part of the `admin` group.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71564#comment:14>
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