[MacPorts] #71643: TeXShop @5.48_0 fails to build: xcodebuild command fails with exit code 65

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Dec 25 17:47:48 UTC 2024

#71643: TeXShop @5.48_0 fails to build: xcodebuild command fails with exit code 65
  Reporter:  msrski59  |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal    |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports     |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:            |   Keywords:  Monterey
      Port:  TeXShop   |

Comment (by Schamschula):

 In my private communications with the developer, he mentioned that he is
 building under Sequoia. Even though the website mentions backward
 compatibility, from my past experience, that has not always been true. It
 had build correctly on Xcode 16.1 under Sonoma, but Xcode 16.2 broke the
 build and required the patches.

 I think the patches may need to be tweaked, as Xcode  on Monterey seems tn
 be mis-parsing the patched file. The problem is that I can't locally test
 on anything older than Sonoma.

 I just don't know what the status is on Ventura. It would be best to fix
 it at the same for Monterey and Ventura (likely).

 BTW, the patch isn't needed for Sequoia, but it is for Sonoma as it can
 run the current version of Xcode but doesn't have the correct SDK for the
 new feature. The if statements let Sequoia access what is needed, so it
 doesn't break anything there.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71643#comment:3>
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