[MacPorts] #71668: libffi @3.4.6; Build Failure
noreply at macports.org
Mon Dec 30 01:28:26 UTC 2024
#71668: libffi @3.4.6; Build Failure
Reporter: hardincj | Owner: fhgwright
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.10.5
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: libffi |
Comment (by ryandesign):
The lines in the log where the configure script determined an x86_64 host
are the first lines of the configure phase. They are a standard part of
autoconf-based configure scripts. The value is determined by running
`config.guess`, which bases its values on `uname`. So I don't see how this
can have had anything to do with a migration-related bug since
`config.guess` is shipped with libffi and `uname` is part of macOS; no
other ports would be involved.
The log shows several attempts to install the port. The first one is the
one where the configure phase ran and determined an x86_64 host. That was
on `Sat Dec 14 23:07:47 EST 2024`. All subsequent attempts reused the
December 14 configure phase results. @hardincj, are you absolutely certain
that when you were attempting the libffi build on December 14, you were in
an Apple Silicon terminal and shell? Because I cannot think of any way for
this result to happen unless you were in an Intel shell. You said you're
using Apple Terminal… was that the case on December 14 as well? Is the
Open in Rosetta checkbox checked if you Get Info on Terminal (or the
terminal you were using on December 14) in the Finder, or rather was it
checked on December 14? Were you using /bin/zsh for your shell on December
14 or perhaps a different shell that was compiled for Intel—perhaps a
MacPorts-installed copy of bash or zsh that had not yet been rebuilt by
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71668#comment:11>
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