[MacPorts] #70319: openssh @9.8p1 broke some key types

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Jul 9 19:18:37 UTC 2024

#70319: openssh @9.8p1 broke some key types
  Reporter:  fhgwright  |      Owner:  artkiver
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  High       |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports      |    Version:  2.9.3
Resolution:             |   Keywords:
      Port:  openssh    |

Comment (by fhgwright):

 Replying to [comment:12 artkiver]:

 > That is a correct interpretation. I certainly won't be submitting such a
 PR myself, but if someone else wants to go against upstream and maintain a
 variant, I can fathom why.

 I'll probably do that, though not immediately since I'm busy with other
 things ATM.

 > Regarding, "has been rendered inoperative with no notice."?
 > I would again draw your attention to the release notes for 9.7p1
 excerpted previously, italics for emphasis to help with reading
 > ''We intend the next release to change the default
 > to disable DSA at compile time.''
 > Notice was given in advance, this is not blind siding anyone who has
 been paying attention.

 Are you expecting everyone doing a `port upgrade outdated` to look at the
 list of upgraded ports, visit their upstream websites, and view the
 upstream release notes, for every upgraded port?  Seriously??? That sort
 of "notice" isn't much better then "Beware of the Leopard" notice.  While
 referring to upstream release notes is OK in the context of "For more
 information see XXX", primary notification of upcoming breakage needs to
 be made directly by the ''port'' to its users.  Either that or just don't
 break things (a concept which seems to be lost on upstream).

 And the `port notes` mechanism isn't really adequate, since not only are
 unsolicited port notes only provided at install and upgrade time, but also
 notes from an upgrade tend to get buried in a forest of nearly pointless
 notes from every upgraded port that uses `port select`.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70319#comment:13>
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