Re: [MacPorts] #70600: poppler requires C++20 which is not available on 10.4–10.5

MacPorts noreply at
Sat Nov 2 19:10:06 UTC 2024

#70600: poppler requires C++20 which is not available on 10.4–10.5
  Reporter:  barracuda156  |      Owner:  mascguy
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal        |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports         |    Version:  2.10.1
Resolution:                |   Keywords:  tiger, leopard
      Port:  poppler       |

Comment (by kencu):

 Please stop saying "NOBODY IS INTERESTED IN MERGING MY PR". That is simply

 updating the default gcc installation for older systems requires several
 steps, that haven't been addressed in your simplistic PR.

 I fixed the build of a newer gcc on Tiger a few months ago using a new
 interim bootstrap compiler, so gcc14 would probably install there now. I
 haven't actually run through it as yet, though.

 It is necessary to force the update of the default libgcc, as per the
 commit I showed you years ago when I last updated the default gcc for

 BUT, and this is the big BUT --

 we have to still decide how we are going to support the older gcc versions
 on 10.4/10.5 when we do the update.

 As it is now, once the update is done to libgcc14, to install gcc 5,6,7
 etc will require building most or all of:

 lilbgcc14, libgcc13, libgcc12, libgcc11, libgcc10, libgcc9, libgcc8,
 libgcc7, libgcc6, and libgcc5

 To build 10 versions of gcc on such old systems, plus the bootstrap
 compilers, will take first of a great deal of time (a week, I would guess)
 and second of all, a TON of disc space. This seems just INSANE to me.

 However, we have not been able to achieve consensus on deleting / not
 supporting a bunch of (probably needless) intermediate versions of gcc, so
 I have not attempted to make progress on this.

 Once we get consensus on that, and once we have a proper PR that address
 the upgrade to a new gcc version correctly, the update can happen.

 Your PR is the very very very least of the parts needed.

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