[MacPorts] #71373: ddev portfile fails to parse: can't read "go_arch": no such variable

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Nov 22 16:21:39 UTC 2024

#71373: ddev portfile fails to parse: can't read "go_arch": no such variable
 Reporter:  barracuda156  |      Owner:  jlorenzetti
     Type:  defect        |     Status:  assigned
 Priority:  Normal        |  Milestone:
Component:  ports         |    Version:  2.10.4
 Keywords:                |       Port:  ddev
 Synchronizing local ports tree from

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 receiving file list ... done

 sent 74 bytes  received 98 bytes  16.38 bytes/sec
 total size is 35613771  speedup is 207056.81
 Creating port index in
 Failed to parse file devel/ddev/Portfile: can't read "go_arch": no such

 Total number of ports parsed:   1
 Ports successfully parsed:      0
 Ports failed:                   1
 Up-to-date ports skipped:       39455

 The portfile must parse on any arch, whether it is supported by Go
 compiler or not.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71373>
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