[MacPorts] #71372: orfeotoolbox: otbcli: line 44: /opt/local/bin/../otbenv.profile: No such file or directory (was: Orfeo Toolbox Installation)

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Nov 22 22:56:10 UTC 2024

#71372: orfeotoolbox: otbcli: line 44: /opt/local/bin/../otbenv.profile: No such
file or directory
  Reporter:  jridout1234   |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal        |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports         |    Version:
Resolution:                |   Keywords:
      Port:  orfeotoolbox  |
Changes (by ryandesign):

 * keywords:  Bad Install, Missing Files =>

Old description:

> The MacPorts install of Orfeo Toolbox 9.1.0 appears to not download the
> otbenv.profile file. If I run an example command I get:
> otbcli_Smoothing
> /opt/local/bin/otbcli: line 44: /opt/local/bin/../otbenv.profile: No such
> file or directory
> Line 42-44 in otbcli reads:
> # Note that OTB_APPLICATION_PATH is reset here.
> if [ -z "$OTB_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then
>     . "$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR/../otbenv.profile"
> I also performed a search using the port contents command as well as a
> search of the Mac directories and can't find the file.
> System Info:
> MacBook Pro M1 Max
> Sonoma 14.6.1
> Thank you

New description:

 The MacPorts install of Orfeo Toolbox 9.1.0 appears to not download the
 otbenv.profile file. If I run an example command I get:

 /opt/local/bin/otbcli: line 44: /opt/local/bin/../otbenv.profile: No such
 file or directory

 Line 42-44 in otbcli reads:

 # Note that OTB_APPLICATION_PATH is reset here.
 if [ -z "$OTB_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then
     . "$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR/../otbenv.profile"

 I also performed a search using the `port contents` command as well as a
 search of the Mac directories and can't find the file.

 System Info: \\
 MacBook Pro M1 Max \\
 Sonoma 14.6.1

 Thank you



 Nobody is listed as maintainer of this port. If you know the solution
 please let us know or file a pull request to fix it.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71372#comment:2>
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