[MacPorts] #71327: NumPy: Import error symbol not found in flat namespace '_ccopy$NEWLAPACK_'
noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 26 05:14:44 UTC 2024
#71327: NumPy: Import error symbol not found in flat namespace '_ccopy$NEWLAPACK_'
Reporter: jbgoette | Owner: reneeotten
Type: defect | Status: accepted
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.10.4
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: py312-numpy |
Comment (by reneeotten):
one other question: you post the output of
sh -c 'echo "macOS $(sw_vers -productVersion) $(sw_vers -buildVersion)
$(uname -m)"; xcode=$(xcodebuild -version 2>/dev/null); if [ $? == 0 ];
then echo "$(echo "$xcode" | awk '\''NR==1{x=$0}END{print x" "$NF}'\'')";
else echo "Command Line Tools $(pkgutil --pkg-
info=com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables | awk '\''/version:/ {print
$2}'\'')"; fi' | tee /dev/tty | pbcopy
trying to figure out whether this is `arm64` specific (as I don't see the
problem). I see a specific patch, which was added quite a while ago (for
version 1.19.5) that appears to have the intention to provide initial
support for ARM64. From my reading NumPy should support that now, so I am
not completely sure the patch is still needed and/or could even be the
cause of some of the trouble. So if you're on an {{{arm64}}} machine you
could try to comment out/remove the {{{patch-arm64_min.diff}}} patchfile
in the Portfile and try again.
I am going to try and update to NumPy v2 hopefully soon-ish, perhaps the
trouble magically disappears then ;)
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71327#comment:9>
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