[MacPorts] #70477: qt5-qtlocation @5.15.12_0 build failure
noreply at macports.org
Sun Sep 22 16:53:46 UTC 2024
#70477: qt5-qtlocation @5.15.12_0 build failure
Reporter: mhanmore | Owner: MarcusCalhoun-Lopez
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.9.3
Resolution: | Keywords: sonoma arm64
Port: qt5-qtlocation |
Changes (by ryandesign):
* cc: M-Rick, reneeotten, MarcelSwart (added)
Replying to [comment:4 M-Rick]:
> I found how to resolve the bug. It needs to install boost181 first and
the build of qt5-qtlocation will succeed. boost181 is already a
dependency, but it is not build before qt5-qtlocation… That's why it's not
boost181 is ''not'' listed as a dependency of qt5-qtlocation, and neither
is any other version of boost. From comment:1 we can see that
qt5-qtlocation includes a bundled copy of boost 1.65.1 which is an old
version that has a bug when building with new compilers. If qt5-qtlocation
uses boost181 if it is found and then builds successfully, then that is a
bug in the qt5-qtlocation port, such as that the boost181 dependency
should be added to it and its revision should be increased.
Replying to [comment:7 reneeotten]:
> there are a few upstream bug reports on this, but with no clear solution
- the issues appears to be in Boost.
I already provided the clear solution in comment:2, showing that we fixed
the bug in the MacPorts boost ports so the solution is to either make
qt5-qtlocation use a MacPorts boost port or apply the patch to
qt5-qtlocation's bundled copy of boost. There have been several other
MacPorts tickets about this boost bug if you need more information about
how to fix it.
Replying to [comment:14 MarcelSwart]:
> I've checked these places, and the Sequoia files are simply not yet
There are no prebuilt archives for Sequoia for any port yet. I have not
set up the build machines yet. This is irrelevant; if I were to set up the
build machines, they would fail to build the port with the same error you
get. The problem has to be fixed in the affected port first.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70477#comment:15>
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