Installing Apache2 on MacBook Pro issue

Julien KRIVACSY julien at
Wed Nov 1 09:25:19 PST 2006

And so I did, it's working now, I probably had an old version of some  
libs installed, maybe by X11, openoffice, or Wormux, don't know...

Thanks a lot :)
To me the joyce of Ruby on Rails :)

Le 1 nov. 06 à 18:18, Daniel Ericsson a écrit :

> On 1 nov 2006, at 15.46, Julien KRIVACSY wrote:
>> I found several others packages with the same problems, How can I  
>> remove everything and reinstall all that mess correctly ?
>> Can I simply remove /opt and reinstall macports again ?
> Yes MacPorts is completely contained in /opt. So removing /opt it  
> will be like it was never installed. Then you can start over from  
> scratch.
> - Daniel

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