port tries to compile with gcc3.4 every time
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Nov 8 10:18:56 PST 2006
On Nov 8, 2006, at 07:46, Emmanuel Hainry wrote:
> Citando Francisco Moreno Muñoz :
>> El 07/11/2006, a las 23:31, Ryan Schmidt escribió:
>>> gcc3 is not supported on Intel, so as you've realized, you don't
>>> want to be compiling that. However, only specific ports explicitly
>>> depend on gcc3. Exactly which ports are you trying to use which are
>>> doing this? Most shouldn't.
>> Really? I didn't knew that. Anyway, I think I didn't explain myself
>> properly. It tries to compile with gcc3.4 all the ports I try to
>> install. Every last one of them. Maybe all the ports I tried depended
>> on gcc 3.4? I think it would be a big coincidence. In this specific
>> case the port was libtorrent.
I checked the portfile ("port cat libtorrent") and it includes the
following line:
configure.env CC=${prefix}/bin/gcc-dp-3.4 CXX=${prefix}/bin/g++-dp-3.4
This has the effect of forcing the use of gcc3 which is causing your
problem. However, the line was probably added for a good reason. (The
Subversion log shows the line was added by mww in revision 17447 on
2006-04-12 along with other changes to update the port from 0.7.0-1
to 0.9.0.)
> Unfortunately the version of libtorrent provided by macports
> depends on
> gcc3 (see port depends libtorrent for the list of dependencies and
> http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ticket/96 for the reason). However,
> newer
> version of libtorrent compile well with gcc4.0. See
> https://svn.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/10906 (maybe it
> could be committed?)
Has the maintainer of the port (toby at opendarwin) seen that bug or
commented on the patches?
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