php5 dyld: error

Marco Battistella macports.mb at
Mon Nov 13 19:18:06 PST 2006

Hi everybody,
go easy at me as i'm am at my first attempt on using darwin ports. ;-)

i'm trying to install php5 using darwinports and keeping the regular  
apache installation that comes with os x 10.3 server.
I'm doing this installation in a fresh installation of 10.3 server  
(all updates) and a fresh installation of darwin ports.
In order to use the regular apache i'm partly using some suggestion i  
found at this address:
this is the process i go through:
sudo -s
# port -v install php5 +apache

When the installation process is finished i (sort of) follow the  
advice to enable php in apache
the difference is that i use the apxs that comes with the os x apache  

# cd /opt/local/libexec/apache/
# apxs -a -e -n "php5"

then i create a symbolic link to

# ln -s /opt/local/libexec/apache/ /usr/libexec/httpd/

When i ran a configtest this is what i get:

# apachectl configtest
Processing config directory: /etc/httpd/sites/*.conf
Processing config file: /etc/httpd/sites/virtual_host_global.conf
Syntax OK
dyld: /usr/sbin/httpd Undefined symbols:
/usr/sbin/apachectl: line 193: 18723 Trace/BPT trap          $HTTPD -t

I have attempted a few options but the result was identical:
installing apache 1.3.x with darwin ports before installing php5
non installing apache 1.3.x (or as the case was uninstalling it)  
before installing php5
I have also attempted to make a few modification to the Portfile  
which was very instructive to the working of portfiles but didn't  
help solve my problem

does anybody have suggestions (or even better solutions ;-)?
Maybe i'm missing something very basic...
thank you.

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