Updated ktoblzcheck && gnucash

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Nov 30 21:53:01 PST 2006

On Nov 30, 2006, at 09:31, Anthony Agelastos wrote:

> I have noticed that ktoblzcheck and gnucash were updated today and  
> issued a `port upgrade installed`. This is what I see.
> --->  Fetching ktoblzcheck
> --->  Attempting to fetch ktoblzcheck-1.12.tar.gz from http:// 
> easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/ktoblzcheck
> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for ktoblzcheck
> --->  Extracting ktoblzcheck
> --->  Configuring ktoblzcheck
> --->  Building ktoblzcheck with target all
> --->  Staging ktoblzcheck into destroot
> --->  Deactivating ktoblzcheck 1.11_0
> --->  Installing ktoblzcheck 1.12_0
> --->  Activating ktoblzcheck 1.12_0
> --->  Cleaning ktoblzcheck
> Error: No port libtiff found.
> --->  Fetching gnucash
> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for gnucash
> --->  Extracting gnucash
> --->  Configuring gnucash
> --->  Building gnucash with target all
> I have the 'tiff' port installed (and did a search and did not find  
> a libtiff as a MacPort), so I want to make sure that the error is  
> not problematic. Does anyone have any comments regarding this? Two  
> independent Intel Macs that I am privy to display this same error  
> message. Thank you for your assistance with this.

Let's see...

I grepped all Portfiles for the string "libtiff" [1] and the only one  
that doesn't try to include libtiff by saying "lib:libtiff" [2] is  
gnome/yelp, which says "port:libtiff". This of course doesn't work  
because as you saw there is no port called "libtiff"; the port is  
called "tiff". This change was made in revision 19754 on 2006-09-27.

Looks like gnucash requires gnucash-docs, and gnucash-docs requires  

I can't see how this could ever work, so I changed "port:libtiff" to  
"port:tiff" in revision 20823. I'm not sure how long it takes to be  
available to you, but try a port sync in a couple hours and see if  
you can now build yelp, and thus gnucash.

[1] find . -name Portfile -print0 | xargs -0 grep libtiff | grep -v  
'lib:libtiff' | grep -v .svn

[2] There are also several that include libtiff by referencing  
"port:tiff" which is fine too.

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